MBA & MCA Admission

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MBA & MCA Admission Process:

Step-1: Register and apply for MBA & MCA Enterance Exam

Candidates desirous of seeking admission in MBA and MCA at SIMS, should register and apply for the MBA entrance exam which is ICET within the specified registration window.

Step-2: Appear in Enterance Exam

Once the registration window closes, the candidates who have successfully registered for ICET will be called for the ICET exam.

Step-3: Short Listing Process

1. After declaration of ICET result, counselling takes place to admit into courses.
2. Choice Filling and Locking: After registration, the candidates have to enter their choices and preferences of colleges and courses. Once entered, they can lock the choices.
3. Allotment of Seats: After the choices are locked, the allotment of seats will be done based on merit and availability of seats.
4. Document Verification: After the allotment of seats, the candidates have to visit the helpline center's for document verification.

Step-4: Final Admission Process

After seat allotment in counselling, you must report to the college and complete the formalities of filling the application form and make sure to fill out the form accurately and completely, declaration form and submitting the documents.

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